If you are not interested in sponsoring any of the tiered levels, please consider donating to the Denton County Paralegal Association on a different level. Community sponsors are the primary source of funding and will help ensure our success!
Click here for Donation Form
** Please return completed donation forms to Melissa Hopkins at mailto:mhopkins@ondafamilylaw.com
and Alberta Northcutt-Whitley mailto:alberta@loveless.law **
Other ways to help too!
Donate door prizes.
Come out and join us for the celebration. Meet your local paralegals!
Apply and join our organization as a Business Membership. Your firm/attorney name will be posted on our website.
Provide information to paralegals or colleagues about joining and supporting our organization. Support your legal staff and have them join our organization.
Provide support in our upcoming fundraisers and events.
Volunteer as a speaker and presenter for a CLE.
Host a CLE event at your firm.